Saturday, December 21, 2013


Moon Star
     A frantic rush to reach the end, running lights along the way, past alleys hungry with lust, but craving Love.  They filled the road with shifty forms that skittered about, warily prowling in shadow- pleasure pricks on the hilltop, frosty cement in the gullies.  Who knows to stop at red lights, who among the people knows?  Turn to the left and to the right at blazing speeds with music lifting the body, guiding the way to the place encircled by marble columns, arched by scenes of sacrifice.  Power attained, but disguised as eternal love?  Their edifices fly past, hurry away downcast and ashamed.  Their vulture necks stretch toward the frozen soil, nails scratching for hidden seeds not buried deep in the earth.  Ride soul ride along protective song, fend off animal need, turn away this heavy moon, look up to the pins of blinding light.  It lasts a moment, just.  They wait for hours, shoes glued to their spots.  Their hands tied behind their hips, their eyes tied to the old trees that hold together the world.  Who knows when strength will fail them?  Strength inevitably fails.  The power hungry look down at the tree through melting glass.  They see their walkways cracked and skew up and down.  Their thoughts sit in their heated cars and wait for the battle cry.  Shoulders acquainted with brushing off rules, mouths also ready to snarl, throat growl.  Uneven all of the forms.  When, the perfect moments?  Where, the eternal present?  A baby sleeps under a starlit tree, dreaming of his father's love.

Rocklet - 6th street

     Why is this rock here, on the corner of 6th and Howard Street?  Why has the city made this effort to protect it?  They can easily move it, but they do not.  There must be a reason this rock must not be moved from its designated spot.  Perhaps Googling this rock will provide answers.  It is a mystery, and the rock is very strange.  No one seems to notice this rock in the road, no one appears to care, or even give it a second look.  The rock is big, and looks heavy.  People should look at it, of sit on it.  The rock is perhaps a chair.  Is this considered a parklet?  Rocklet must be it's name.  

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