Saturday, October 25, 2008


This afternoon, I listen to the Beatles. It's good, easy. Keeps my mind at ease, it's thoroughly familiar music. Comfort music to nurse hangovers and to fend off silence's accusations. Seargent Pepper's is one of my favorite albums, that and Pink Floyd's The Wall. They remind me of long essays.
I made a little list for myself. On my list is act of updating my blogs and journals. Then there is reading, and my shoulder Theraband exercises, which I am doing now. Later I might want to stretch my back in particular, which feels rather rigid and sore today.
Bit of a rough start this morning. I didn't climb out of bed until 10:30 late morning. Woke actually at about 5:30am but with a heavy hangover that drove me back to bed. Yesterday afternoon found me at the Ferry Building partaking of various wines & spirits at the Organic Beer & Wine Tasting, sponsored the California Organic Federation. Fun times. There was food, alcohol, music, and crowds of people. The Ferry Bldg is a prime place for this sort of event. The artisanal vendors and restaurants will also serve tapas style snack foods like grilled sausage on a stick, cheese melted on bread, mushroom crostini, and pizza slices. I enjoyed the sausage, mushroom crostini, which I got for free, and oysters & clams. Delicious. I enjoyed myself, talked to strangers, watched faces swarm by, got tipsy, listened to music. It was live and momentary. People were in high spirits of course, thanks to the drink as well as to it being Friday. A woman handed me a small shot of organic tequila. It was strong and clear. I also drank organic vodka that tasted like aqvavit in Scandinavia, organic sparkling wine, organic beer, and several organic red and white wines. Certainly the perfect storm for hangover creation it was, but who am I to turn away festive vibes. These occasions are beyond my capacity to resist, so instead of trying to turn my back on it I step forward and embrace the thing with open arms.

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