Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dough boy

     I bought this big blue bowl for two dollars on Page Street between Scott and Divisadero, specifically for dough mixing and rising.  I've used it several times now since discovering it, and it has been magnificent.  Here I have made a jpeg where the bowl cradles a ball of pizza dough.  Julie and I are visiting the Sueys and the new boy Hunter Harvey this afternoon.  Pizza seems right for the occasion.  I'm rising this dough, above, in order to make two rounds of about one foot in diameter.  It is not yet clear what they will be topped with.  Ideas are smoked mozzarella, pepperonis, mushroom, ground pork knots, and tomato sauce.  The possibility of introducing shrimp ceviche has surfaced as well, for we have here at least three lemons that have been previously zested for dressings.
     There they are.  I often and always wonder what to do with them.  I should stick googly eyes on them and punt them into Duboce dog park half a block from my front door.  If anyone knows what to do with a trio of zested lemons, it's a pampered urban maltipoo and his friends pug and sheba inu.
     I have taken the recipe for my dough from Alice's magnificent book The Art of Simple Food.  Alice is my niggie.  I think this book is magnificent and recommend it to the earth.  Come two pm, the dough exits the refrigerator and gets set on a table to warm to room temperature, two hours,  before shaping into flat discs one foot in diameter.  Here is a jpeg of an orchid bud in our sun room.  The bud is opening:

     Find below also three jpegs of our resident ferns.  We joined the local fern kick only recently.  Neighbors in the surrounding Victorians I suspect joined this kick long ago.  We are just now discovering the simple beauty of the local fern.  These three fern came from Cole Hardware store, in Cole Valley.  Aside from ferns, this store vends portable grills and screws of various shapes, sizes, and metals.  Do not forget to think of them after your next Ikea run.

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