Thursday, November 14, 2013


     I sketched these portraits last night during sfcm's voice recital.  From the second row, I sit quietly and looking up at the stage I draw one portrait after another in quick succession.  Each face is drawn during the singing of a song, and one song is sung each.  Some heads are unfinished- missing hair, ears, a jaw or neck.  Everyone's eyes, noses, and mouths are captured, I believe.  The important defining features.  I like that everyone's mouths hang open in great song.  I also enjoy seeing everyone in one page.  They are a choir singing together in harmony instead of individual performers singing their own songs.  I like the illusion of community in this drawing that fills the entire page with it.

     Here I shot the Steinway.  Whenever I walk into the main concert hall at sfcm, this piano usually can be found on the stage.  With patience and silence, it waits for the players, performers, and music, which will be made on it's black and white keys.  I like the tranquility that seems to be flowing out of this quiet waiting instrument.  My mind is calmed and alerted to the promise of beautiful musical moments to come.

     Though this salami and cheese grilled sandwich doesn't look appealing, I find it beautiful.  The lighting conditions were far from ideal, with the plate perched on the counter of a low lit bar called Thieve's Tavern in San Francisco's Mission district.  On the surface, the melted cheese over circles of salami remind me of what singed human flesh  may look like.  Personally, I've never seen burn victims, but I can't imagine the sight being too far removed from what is represented here.  Nancy the evening bartender makes free snacks with her portable electric sandwich grill at one end of the bar.  Sometimes it's tacos with guacamole, tomato, cheese, spices.  Last night, she ran out of tomatoes and avocado, but made me what you see.  I appreciate her generosity and kindness, and this is what I see in this image:  something made and given, a gesture born out of a open heart.

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